Industrial Hazardous Area Lighting Lights the Way in Risky Locations

When looking for the right lighting solution for any space, there are careful considerations to keep in mind. When looking for the right lighting solution for a hazardous environment, finding the right solution becomes a matter of safety as well. If you are considering LED for this type of location, but are on the fence, we can help shed some light on the situation. Our x-Glo explosion-proof lighting solutions are a world first, designed to reduce the risk of explosions in highly volatile areas such as oil and gas rigs, coal mines and other industrial hazardous areas. Further, industries dealing with the processing of delicate particulate matter, fireworks, etc. and require maximum safety is deploying hazardous area lighting.

Hazardous Area Lighting: LED Linears Compared

Linear luminaires represent the most common light fixtures found in hazardous areas today. Traditionally, Linears used fluorescent technology but more recently the trend has been to replace them with more modern LED luminaires. Now, we’ll identify the most common design approaches adopted by Ex manufacturers, and highlight the impact they have on end-users about cost and day to day operation. By the end, you should have a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the main design approaches and understand the key things to consider when specifying LED linear lighting for hazardous areas.

Mineglow features in the August edition of hazardous area lighting solutions for industrial locations

One of the most obvious benefits of hazardous area lighting is the impressive energy efficiency of the solution. LED operates on a lower wattage and consumes less energy as a result than comparative HID fixtures for hazardous settings. As a result, this will help cut down on utility costs, which is important in any location. LED operates on a lower wattage, that doesn’t mean it produces a lower lumen output than other options. LED offers some of the lowest wattages to the highest lumens produced on the market today. Lumens are important for any area, but especially one where hazardous material is at play. The higher the lumen output in the light fixtures, the better the overall visibility for workers to help avoid accidents.

Mineglow has extensive experience with all manner of intrinsically safe LED lighting in hazardous areas across Australia. These may include increased safety, non-sparking, encapsulated and explosion-proof lighting and light fixtures. LED lighting in hazardous areas luminaires is specifically handled the highly corrosive elements, combustible dust and flammable gases and vapours that are endemic to these industries.